15 days ago
Look at me and my new BOY doing a big MLEM. I’ve been looking for a Spuds light near me forever cuz I didn’t wanna have him shipped cuz he might break. I collect Spuds Mackenzie things. HES THE ORIGINAL PARTY ANIMAL! I used to see him on tv and be like…dang he just parties and drinks beer and gets all the ladies wet dang. I guess I followed in his footsteps in most respects tho 🤣. Thank you Spuds for being my role model for all these years, and you know what? I think he’d be proud of me getting railed every night. Spuds don’t judge. He’d be like “Hell yeah man, enjoy that Bud Lite, and while you’re at it, see how many loads you can work outta your man’s beer can cock. Budweiser is PROUD OF YOU. After all, I experimented early on in college, and used to lick the Coors Beer Wolf’s hairy ass until he turned into a howling little puppy and shot all over our dorm room bunk beds. He cums beer you know. Alright, I gotta go Luca, alimony and child support don’t pay themselves, and crypto is a scam, so I gotta clock in, I’m an astronaut now. Byeeeeee.” That’s my head canon at least 🤷
Sexy et beau
15 days ago
15 days ago
Watch it or you'll poke someone's eye out with that thing 🔥❤️😍
15 days ago
15 days ago
15 days ago
14 days ago
It’s unfortunate that my broken knee cap would prevent me from…. Umm nevermind ;)
14 days ago
14 days ago
Sexy babe 😍
14 days ago
12 days ago