4 days ago
What age should you start a bank account for your child? 🤫 Vote in our poll below! And don’t forget to check out our podcast on your free @listnrau app!
When they start school
4 days ago
Ed hughesy Erin are hilarious but I agree 👍 with hughesy let his kid earn a wage yes you do appreciate earning your own money when I was hughesy s kid's age at 13 I umpired footy got pocket money it was awesome then at 15 I started my first job it was good getting the first payslip
4 days ago
I was 5 when I got my 1st PBS account
4 days ago
Kids having a bank account when young is fine . They can’t access the money until they are deemed old enough
4 days ago
I was 5/6 .. commonwealth bank account
4 days ago
Love the show
4 days ago
Mine one's have an account since they were 5 month old, to use when they turn 18.
3 days ago
I always have bank accounts for my kids and I put money in them every month until they turn 18. They can use it either to go traveling or buy a car. My eldest used it for her Europe trip and a horse float. A great way to get them started!
3 days ago
Opened one when born. Money for birthdays went in. Once older. Half birthday money. By time 18. Was a good amount that could be used for car etc
16 hours ago