7 days ago
We are still hung over from @prophetlovy impartation at @newbirthmbc last night on hearing the voice of God! Run to YouTube right now and listen to the replay and then get ready for @cindytrimm tonight 730pm EST…
4 days ago
In the Mighty name of JESUS 🔥
4 days ago
My Papa Lovy! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
3 days ago
Lovely..VESSEL of honor Prophet Elias🙌 To God Be The Glory
3 days ago
I wonna Be Where Jesus is Moving by his Spirit o🙏🙌🙌..im Coming any Day now..Im Form CA..currently In Las Vegas..Grace, Tracy Banks keep me in your Prayers More Grace Beloved Prophet where have The Lord Jesus Been Hiding You! Oo..;)
3 days ago
2 days ago
It was a joy to get to experience the presence of God on this night through you. Thank you for coming to Atlanta
2 days ago
2 days ago