5 days ago
I’ve been very open about my health, especially my PCOS. But in the past two weeks, things took a serious turn. After years of confusing symptoms and seeing several doctors and taking different tests to get NO real answers, I found a new gynecologist who told me that I also have SIBO and endometriosis, which puts me at a very high risk of having complicated pregnancies in the future. I was in shock.

What strikes me the most is that it’s not enough that I take care of my health and body. With all the advances in medicine, there still isn’t enough research being done into women’s specific health care to really understand how women like me are able to ensure our opportunity to have a healthy life and family.

Instead, our rights as women, including access to critical (and sometimes necessary) health care, are being attacked - and it pisses me off! With all that I’ve learned about my own health these past weeks, I didn’t hesitate when VP @kamalaharris asked me  to participate in a fireside chat in Arizona to discuss women’s rights and reproductive freedoms to mark the two year anniversary of that awful Dobbs decision. (We also snuck in a quick chat about immigration, which I know is an issue that is important to so many of us.) I needed to hear about her work on this issue and where we all needed to focus our advocacy.

The neglect we already face as women in health care is insane, and I can’t stand by while laws are passed that limit our rights and freedom - from women’s and LGBTQ+ rights, to access to education and immigration.

Thank you to VP @kamalaharris and my co-moderator @atovar_az for the candid conversation. Let’s keep up the fight, people - if not for you, for your mothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, best friends, and all the women in your life who deserve to live with dignity and respect!    (And thank you for the ride back to LA, Madame Vice President @kamalaharris ! Much appreciated.)
Maybe its from all that spicy salsa
9 hours ago
8 hours ago