6 days ago
Life gives us many opportunities to lift others up or tear them down. It gives us opportunities to watch others achieve greatness, but it gives us the opportunity to choose how we wish to participate. Are we cheering someone on? Are we rooting for someone’s failure? Are we helping someone pick themselves up after they have failed and helping them see that they have the power to keep going? Well, only you get to decide, but we all hold those powers! #inspireheartsandminds
@ptvanderhoek For your bro.
6 days ago
Love this! ❤
5 days ago
5 days ago
❤️ ❤️
5 days ago
4 days ago
Your page is the gift that keeps on giving! 🌟 and if you give it a second more thought, it’s the world that keeps on giving ✨
4 days ago
So cool you posted this .... it's my local cricket team Brisbane Heat in Australia. ❤️
4 days ago
I take no pleasure seeing the president of the United State fumbling and losing his train of thought. If you have ever taken care of a parent or loved in that condition it’s heart breaking every day. God bless President Biden and God bless the United States of America. We are in real trouble.
4 days ago
3 days ago
2 days ago