7 days ago
👑 Countdown to the Crown 👑 Day 5 “How I Met my Husband” #MyHusband “WHAT WE FIND IN A SOULMATE IS NOT SOMETHING WILD TO TAME, BUT SOMETHING WILD TO RUN WITH.” - Robert Brault My husband, Kurt, and I have known each other way longer than when we actually began dating. The story is a bit unbelievable. Each of my two sisters dated EACH of his two brothers (and one of those sets got married!). He stood up for my brother in law (his brother) as the best man and I stood up for my sister in 2009 as a bridesmaid! So…we knew of each other but never began a relationship until 2012! And we lived in two different states! When I went out to Des Moines, Iowa one night to spend some time with my sister and brother-in-law we had invited Kurt out to join. He declined at first until he found out I was there. Then he showed up in a rather short amount of time. My sister brought it to my attention that he liked me, which I was clueless to, and i couldn’t ignore it after that. We quickly began to see each other, which swiftly led to an engagement after a year and a half of dating, and a wedding by 2015. And you know it, the two of them that were married both stood up for us at our wedding! We both own businesses and we are always up for any adventure. We have many goals, travel plans and future aspirations we continue to set together as we build this adventure we call married life! @intlpageants #MrsIntl2024 #2024IntlCountdown #AdoptionAsAnOption #TheAdoptionConnection #Adoption #AdoptiveParent #BeAFoster #MrsInternational #MrsInternational2024 #IntlPageants #JourneytoMrsIintl #MrsMidwestInternational #MrsMidwestInternational2024 #Midwest #MrsIntl @mrspageantry @mrspageanthq @mrs_pageant_worldwide_report
What a great story!
7 days ago
Love that quote
6 days ago