9 days ago
Yesterday I had a chat with the girls about mental health & coping mechanisms. So far throughout this entire journey this has been one of the most impactful moments for me because it taught me a few lessons: 1. God is listening and he hears our prayers. The night before this, I spoke with my own national director and we discussed possibly asking about having a mental health forum with the girls later on in the experience. He told me to pray and I distinctly remember asking him “how will I know if to ask permission” and he told me I’ll just feel it. The next morning, unprompted, I was blessed enough to have been asked to have this chat with the girls. 2. Everyone has their own personal struggles and sometimes a cry and a hug from your sister is all you need to get you through a tough day. 3. Someone else’s opinion of you is none of your business. There is only one version of yourself, you are fearfully & wonderfully made. 4. This is an experience I’ll cherish for life. The friendships I’ve made, the lessons I’ve learnt, the places I’ve seen are unmatched and unforgettable. I am grateful for such a beautiful opportunity. Thank you @misssupranational @herinitiative.tt @misssupranationaltt @crownsandsashestt @pageantcorner_tt
7 days ago
So proud of you Brits - continue to make your mark and fly our flag high - love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
5 days ago