5 days ago
Wow!!! This woman was in the very front row yesterday in Indianapolis.. I kept looking at her but couldn’t quite tell what was going on with her striking face paint… now I seeeee❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️insane and really cool!! Thank you @erinjs74 for amazing post #flaminglips #theflaminglips #flaminglipsconcert #flaminglipslive
Her name is yoshimi.
4 days ago
I know that cool kid's cool mom! ❤️
4 days ago
This is amazing! That was an incredible show, perfect weather and just such a special night. Thank you 🌈
4 days ago
Is anyone still on lookout for tonight’s Grand Rapids show tickets?
4 days ago
Never been more disappointed with a band live. Your constant need between every song to ask us to scream louder was so disappointing.
3 days ago
Wish I hadn't become a bedridden paraplegic, because I'd sure like to get to another show.
1 day ago