5 days ago
The intoxicating smell of night blooming jasmine. Walk with me. Only true girlfriends take your birthday wish to go and see @bikeridersfilm to heart and drive over the canyon to see it in its opening weekend. Michael Shannon’s human Tasmanian devil rolling into the screen and only the fire warping Easy Rider hat tip thumb print of the thesis of the whole film in every molecule of his being / scary good performance and shock to the system monologue visually / emotionally the old society going up in flames hit you in the worst / best way. Bravo. Always. I feel so lucky and fortunate to see my most natural and humble old nyc / east coast off Broadway theater brother shine ✨ on screen again with this great team. Inspired by everyone’s work on this film. I do my best not to read reviews (respectfully critics hee hee) love to eat my snacks and watch movies. Simple pleasures. Wow 🤩 @jodiemcomer hullo beating heart of the film with a rawness that feels so jump time - days of heaven / badlands / raging bull like for some emotional truth / private moment reason. Oh 🌹☀️🦢👌🏻 feelings of the ride out. Sweet cinematic spell. Holy hotness Tom Hardy’s inside out artistic human homage to Marlon Brando is untouchable 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 I love the humor and social / emotional truth / cultural commentary of this movie the director lifts to art. Well done. Everyone was so good in this. Thank you for the HAPPINESS gang gang!!❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥