6 days ago
Add that to the list of another thing Twitter ruined. #Pollercoaster #CrookedMedia #Debate
Please, I am begging you, I know you folks have influence in Democratic circles, PLEASE do everything in your power to get Biden to step down. He will not win in November, I can say that with utter certainty. Get the democrats to nominate someone else who can defeat Trump and save democracy. This election is way too important to pin our hopes on an 81 year old who all of America now views as feeble and mentally incompetent.
5 days ago
Biden will lose and he’s taking us down with him. Did he learn nothing from RBG?? The stakes are too high and for him to continue in the race is a hugely selfish decision.
5 days ago
How would you spin this one for Biden?
5 days ago
I know y’all are embedded in the democratic party and as long as biden is the candidate, you’ll support him.. but in your debate recap you’re still saying the only options are Biden (or his replacement) or Trump. At what point to we consider getting democrats to rally behind a third party candidate like Stein? I have always been wary of that since it hasn’t seemed like a viable option - but maybe this is the time to start thinking about what dismantling this 2 party system could look like.
5 days ago
Have you guys considered other work, maybe something that you're good at?
5 days ago
It doesn’t even matter. The Supreme Court just fcked the entire country by giving corporations ultimate power and they can now judge shop their cases, just as they were, and gave judges the ultimate power instead of regulatory agencies that PROTECT THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES! Bf congrats to all the ignorant stupid 🤡 cultists.
5 days ago