4 days ago
Let me be honest with you – I am really bad at marketing my book🙈 I’ve already taken several marketing courses and subscribed to some instagram and youtube channels about marketing, but this is still like quantum physics for me🤪 Even worse – I feel like quantum physics would be easier to understand😆 When I try to implement things that I’ve learned in these courses, I can never be sure that they will work as expected. And to be honest – I don’t want to spend too much time on this, I just want to write my books! And of course, a writer without readers - is an unhappy writer😬So the main reason why I am still here (in Instagram) - is because I want to find my readers. No, even otherwise – I want my readers to be able to find me. So let’s do it this way: I will just tell you about my book, and if you’re interested, you will DM me, ok? Or write a comment under this post, or subscribe to my newsletter (via the link in my bio) – choose the way you want to get your personal signed e-book, alright? The book is called “Good people world”. It is the first part of the cozy scifi trilogy about the future we all want to live in: with no borders between countries, no wars, no poverty and no climate problems, but with spacetravel , aliens and the best technologies that help people to cure diseases and live a happy life. I love this story with all my heart. I can’t remember how many times I’ve read it, but every time when I do it (to find a quote or to publish new chapter on Wattpad) I can’t stop😇 Every time I dive into the Good people world, it feels like the first time and I want to stay there forever. And the same goes for my readers, both in Russian and English. Everyone who read this book wrote the words “easy to read” and “I want to stay there right now!” in their reviews🤗 Btw, you can read some of them (which are in English) in my highlights👆🏻 So, if you are one of us, who are tired of dystopias and want to see a GOOD example of the future we WANT TO BUILD, then give this story a try! And I’ll see you in the next post, whenever that may be😉
4 days ago