11 days ago
A very very overdue post and thank you to @cellarsociety @phelper29 #bertiederougemont and everyone past and present at this extraordinary beautiful , world renowned and awesome catering company - without the support of Bertie and Adam and all the team , there would have been literally no way I could have sustained myself as an actor - especially during the hardest of years - myself like so many artists, actors, writers, models, dancers and kids trying to get by in London owe them and the company a heartfelt debt of gratitude 🙏 x they found me in a bar - put their faith and belief in me and asked me to join them as a waiter then a team sergeant- they were kind, fun, transparent and professional they gave me great advice , belief , work and a much needed kick up the ass at the right time - I worked for them for well over a decade and i owe them a very public thank you x Love u folks loads - if you are lucky enough to afford them - this is the team you need to make your wildest event dreams come true x simply Stirling x once again Bertie, Adam thank you sincerely - I got nominated for a @bafta this year and wore my old catering shoes (still polished ha!) in honour of the journey with you all x hope you are grand and flourishing x
Neil! What a touching post. You were part of the very core of our extraordinary adventures in the company’s infancy, the days when Adam and I used to load up and drive the vans. How things have changed! You are still very much part of our family as are the many talented boys and girls seeking their future in the world of creative arts. We are so proud of you and your richly deserved success. Congratulations on your nomination dear friend. Lots of love xxx
10 days ago
Awh. This is super lovely Neil. What a gracious post, from a gracious person 💕
10 days ago
It’s always a blessing to get to look back on our past struggles and have the ability to thank those who helped us through our hardest times. You deserve all the best things in life Mr.Newbon!!
10 days ago
As half of a married actor/caterer couple, this is so beautiful to read. We have a company like this in NY, and I will forever be grateful to them as well, for getting us through the dry times. Thank you so much for sharing this. ❤️
9 days ago