12 days ago
Today we drove to San Diego MEPS to see my son get sworn in to the Military. He is now leaving to get on the plane to go to Great Lakes, Chicago for the next 10 weeks at bootcamp. I love LOVE L O V E ❤️ you so much with all my heart. I know you’re so strong and ready for this but my mama heart is breaking letting you go. I am very proud to have such an amazing young man as my son who is choosing such an honorable career path. You’re going to do great things my love. 😍 REMEMBER: Your mother is your greatest fan! Go kill it my son! I’ll see you at your graduation. #usnavy #military #bootcamp #myson
Thinking of you Tiffany ❤️
11 days ago
Congratulations! You sending your boy who will come back in 10 weeks a man.
10 days ago
He’s in good hands. What rate did he choose?
10 days ago