11 days ago
It’s your birthday, and it’s also been exactly one month since you left this earth and became whole again. I think you knew June would be too hard of a month for another anniversary. — I could talk for hours about how special of a person my dad was. Not just a father, but a person. He was loved by everyone who knew him. He was the hardest worker, loyal in all areas of his life, a helper to anyone who needed, and a goofball prankster who said “Yes! Looking forward to it” to any adventure big or small. Spending this week in his favorite place is bittersweet. I see him everywhere and now nowhere all at the same time, but I know he is here..impatiently waiting for the rest of us to get moving so he can go out exploring 💚 the last few slides are a few of my words that I shared at his service.
This is beautiful Meagan. Sending you so much love🤍
11 days ago
I remember how highly you spoke of him and when we talked about how he was very similar to my Pop! Sending you all the love and prayers 💗
10 days ago
Such beautifully written words and reflections. How blessed he was to have you as a daughter. I love his redemptive story of using his childhood as a force for change in the childhood and beyond that he gave you and your family. It's a great lesson and way he can live on still making an impact despite the absence of his physical presence. Thinking of you extra ❤️
10 days ago
Love to you Meagan❤️ may each time that you feel his presence bring you peace❤️
10 days ago
🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️ beautiful friend 😘 and never noticed how much you look like him as well 😮
10 days ago
This is a beautiful tribute sweet friend
10 days ago
Sending you so much love. 🩷😘
10 days ago
Sending you lots of Love♥️
7 days ago