11 days ago
Trinoy was the youngest of six siblings and the only one with a cleft. His mother, Shilpi, had never heard of nor seen a cleft before. After exploring many options, she was still terrified of the future. Everything changed when a neighbor mentioned the Comilla Trauma Center, which happened to be Smile Train’s local partner. At age nine, Trinoy finally received the surgery he and his family had been hoping for. They were relieved by the staff's exceptional care and unwavering commitment to his well-being: Not only did he receive the surgery for free, but he also benefited from non-surgical cleft care like speech therapy, ensuring that the whole family had support every step of the way to healing. To learn more about Trinoy, click the link in our bio.
11 days ago
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11 days ago
11 days ago
Beautiful smile Trinoy ❤️
11 days ago
11 days ago
10 days ago