13 days ago
The gym is a scary place for some people: From the machines to the noise to the mirrors to the people. It can seem like a really daunting place for some. I have this mission to try to make everyone at ease with going 😇 If you go to a gym please try to smile when someone smiles at you, be polite when someone asks you a question, and just don’t be a c••t (I guess the same applies in life 😜). If you work at a gym the above applies, except maybe including saying hello and goodbye when members enter/exit your facility and stop walking around with your f••king morning coffee and pay attention to your PT client 😳 Make the gym a place for everyone to feel welcome and comfortable 💁🏼‍♀️🫶🏽 Happy Friday 😎 . . . . #gymvibes #gymetiquette #personaltrainer #coach #gymworkout #workout #strengthtraining #liftheavy #stitch
🙌 this 👌
12 days ago
12 days ago