13 days ago
Have you listened to episode 113 of @magichourpodcast with @emilythemedium yet? What was your favorite part? So much amazing feedback from you all!! 💜👼🏻✨✨ . Remember: You are magic 🪄✨ . #spirit #spiritbaby #spiritualpodcast #witchywoman #witchythings #fertilityjourney #fertility #motherhoodjourney #soulguidance #intuitiveguidance #psychic #psychicmedium
Such a beautiful episode! Loved it so much and the sitting with spirit message (2nd one) literally felt like you were talking directly to me. Thank you!! 🤍🕊️
13 days ago
Excited to listen to this episode! The path to find my son was through adoption💫 My heart YEARNED for him & I truly believe my Soul needed to come HOME to MYSELF before I was ready for that sacred union with his Soul! Truly my Twin Flame connection. 🤍🤍🤍 I was simultaneously being prepared for the unique situation he came into & learning the lessons my Soul came to experience. The adoption door felt closed shortly after he came home. And the last year or so I’ve come across Spirit Baby… As if this Soul is simply waiting on US to be ready. It feels different than my previous experience but I have this deep Knowing that I will be learning other lessons through this Soul. These Soul Connections are such a beautiful bridge & a mirror. And also what I have to offer is FOR my child in their journey as well 🙏🏻
13 days ago
Very beautifully said
12 days ago
I loved this episode! Thanks yall! 🔥
1 day ago