5 days ago
“I’ve officially joined the club, and completed my stem cell donation!” “Someone out there has had a life changing diagnosis of blood cancer and knowing that I have been given the chance to potentially give the gift of a cancer free life is incredible! I am pleased to report everything has gone well and my stem cells will shortly be off to my recipient. I would like to thank my partner for inspiring me to do this after donating stem cells himself, and being here to support(and inject me!) throughout this process. 🫶 If you’re reading this post, I can imagine there are lots of questions so ask away, but… What would I say to someone thinking about joining the register? DO IT!!! What have you got to lose? 5 minutes to do the initial screening, can result in YOU saving someone’s life - how amazing is that!” Just like Robbie’s, your cells could be a literal lifesaver too. What are you waiting for? Join the register today via the link in our bio. Image description: Robbie smiles while sitting on a hospital bed, whilst donating his stem cells
Thank You you are a hero to someone like me who received my Portuguese stem cells in 2014 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💙💚🖤
5 days ago
Incredible!!! 💚💚
5 days ago
Amazing.🙌 well done.😍
5 days ago
Awesome @robbiejburns 👏🏼👏🏼
5 days ago
5 days ago
👏👏👏 Ty
5 days ago
3 days ago