4 days ago
Comments like “you look well” and “you look so much better” are well meaning, but I remember them really getting to me when I would leave treatment but was still struggling immensely with my eating disorder. It make me feel even more alienated in my body & like I had to loose weight in order for people to take my mental health struggles seriously. Luckily I came to validate myself instead of expecting other people to ‘get it’ but that in itself was a journey! Becoming “trigger proof” to other people’s remarks/opinions & being able to validate your own recovery is the ultimate goal. However I fully acknowledge that there still (yes in 2024), needs to be more awareness around that eating disorders do not have a ‘look’ as they are in fact, a MENTAL illness. Most sufferers never look visibly unwell but that doesn’t mean they aren’t sick. You don’t need to look a certain way or weigh a certain amount to deserve help & to be in active recovery. Your eating disorder & mental health struggles ARE VALID. You deserve to be free from mental illness. PERIOD. ~ #recoveryisworthit #edrecovery #mentalhealth #edawareness #mentalhealthawareness
You're really brave❤️❤️❤️
3 days ago
so true!
2 days ago