9 days ago
My nan just died…. She was my last living grandparent, this is a strange feeling. I feel numb 😔 Life doesn’t give you break, it’s like continuous waves knocking you down. And somehow you just have to find the joy amongst the waves 💔 It’s special because her name was Joy, my middle is name was given to me after her… Joy. And, I will continue to find the Joy in life 💫 RIP Cuddy ❤️ If you feel me, please feel free to share here. I hope this to be a safe space full of love 🥰 Some will say I’m over sharing and that it’s not good to show this amount of vulnerability publicly. But if it can make me and just a couple people out there feel less alone then f*ck it. Thank you for hearing me 🙏 Lots of love, Nush
Sorry for your loss Nush. Loosing my Nan was the most devastating day of my life. Sending you strength and love at this difficult time ❤️❤️
7 days ago
7 days ago
7 days ago
Even though I believe there is no death and there’s just transforming from 1 existence into the next..I miss my little Mamas presence. Difficult some days to really believe that she isn’t here with me for the rest of my life. I told her tearfully I wasn’t ready for her to go..even at 100. 😢Now it’s your time to be alive and well with your kiddos…wistfully remembering all those ❤️🕊️who stepped off the planet but standing here firmly planted in survival and love.
7 days ago
I feel this deeply. No break here either. Thank you so much for sharing. It released some tension through tears which means your way and wording really touched me. Your pain and grief is very much felt and seen over here ❤️
5 days ago
So sorry dear ❤️❤️❤️
3 days ago
Can’t wait to hug 🤗😘❤️we love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
2 days ago