10 days ago
2024 Term 3: Lunchbox 1 . I have let an entire term go by without posting a single lunchbox post. I remembered to take pictures of all lunchboxes packed, but I simply wasn’t inclined to write about them or share what was going on at home. Much as I believe that life must go on, in light of the loss, all of this seemed so trivial. . School reopened today for Term 3. Half the year is over and we begin the journey of the next 20 weeks. I asked the children what they’d like in their boxes and both of them asked for Sandwiches. When I asked if they had a preference, Ms. 8 said, “Kaya or Pistachio Crema or Egg, whichever is the easiest, Amma.” . Egg Mayo Sandwiches weren’t the easiest of the three, but they were more nutritious than the other two. So I cooked some Eggs in the @instantpotsingapore and into the peeled Eggs, I added some Garlic and Herb Butter, Mayonnaise and Mustard. Finally, I added some Salt and some Piment D’Espelette. . Today, for recess, Mr. 13 and Ms. 8 have Egg Mayo Sandwiches. For snack, they have Apple Slices and Soda Crackers along with assorted Cookies that my sister-in-law sent especially for this purpose. . I packed myself a Salad with the Egg Mayo to eat as part of my breakfast because lunch was going to be out. With all the healthy eating that’s been going on, today’s lunch was a bit out of the ballpark. I’m glad I balanced it beforehand with the Egg Salad. I’ll share a picture in my stories. . #raagaslunchboxseries #raaga2024term3 #lunchboxideas #omiebox #omieboxlunch #eggmayo