8 days ago
Welsh Chafer - Hoplia philanthus I was asked to remove this gorgeous little fella from the hair of somewhat panicked Maths teacher at work today. It was a "win win win" situation (for all three parties involved)😂 Swipe to pic 2 to see it pretending to be dead. Few minutes later it happily flew away :) This common beetle is about 8-9 mm long and has a bluish abdomen. It can be seen in June and July in open areas including grassland. #hopliaphilanthus #welshchafer #scarabaeidae #polyphaga #ukbeetles #ukinsects #uknature #derbyshirewildlife #insectlovers #naturelove #natureenthusiast
Everyone needs someone like you Monika. 😅 Are the only local to Wales? 🖤🤎
8 days ago
👀😍🤎 awesome 🤎😍👌
7 days ago
😂 can be seen on the heads of Maths teachers! 👏
7 days ago