9 days ago
“My friends are my heroes” - in a city that constantly draws crowds of skate tourists, photographer Cris Bravo (@la_melancolia ) has chosen to stick to his closest friends to capture a more intimate side of Barcelona. Though civil engineer Ildefons Cerdà’s transformative vision for Barcelona was to create a walkable urban landscape, his creation of the Eixample not only revolution­ized the city but also created a canvas for skateboarding. With a mix of affordability, a relaxed Mediterranean lifestyle, the ability to move from the beach to the bar, and an ar­chitecture that appears to have been designed specifically for skateboard­ing, this city could be the closest to paradise on Earth for skateboarders. The allure of not needing much more than a passport and a meager budget had skate­boarders hooked. The seemingly endless supply of perfect ledges, sculptures, natural transitions, and smooth ground Barcelona offers, mixed with a vibrant plaza culture present an opportunity to not only thrive but interact with the city’s culture. Add to the mix a lack of harassment, traffic, and judgment and it’s no wonder Barcelona is a perpetual bucket list city for skateboarding. In fact, in some circles, it’s known as “the city where careers thrive as quickly as they die.” “Many times I’ve seen people arriving in the city and skating at the highest level but getting completely lost in the party scene. Barcelona is a hectic big city, and if you’re not very focused or a bit lost, the city will choose for you and eat you. It’s important to not forget what you really want.” L’HABITAT is on display @galeriebete until July 06.
Loving these series. Surfing next!
9 days ago
🖤 @la_melancolia 🤍
9 days ago
❤️❤️❤️ your are our my fav one
9 days ago
9 days ago
9 days ago
9 days ago
Aesthetic 🌹
9 days ago
Great work!👏
8 days ago
Lovely. I was so lucky to attend a friends wedding this week and had exclusive use of a Polaroid camera, not shot one since the late 60’s (my mothers) and I really think I now need to buy one.
6 days ago