9 days ago
“What you wear won’t cause you to ‘fix’ a problem by hiding it…” - Kerry Damiano …. You see… I love fashion! I love art! I love modeling! When they’re combined, you get a story 📸 Choosing this outfit was risqué! However, I wanted to prove to myself a point— no one else. No matter what I wear, I will not be able to conceal my battle with body dysmorphia & weight gain during this season of my life. & that’s ok. It’s best to embrace what you can’t immediately change & realize the importance of companionship by your side 🩵 …. Thank you to @vincent.creative for helping to capture this narrative 🥹 Be sure to register for @machiko.studios for the Art of Modeling Workshop 🔗 tinyurl.com/yebmykcp #MissSummitInternational #MsSummitInternational #MrsSummitInternational
9 days ago
Gorgeous 🌟 As always!!
9 days ago