21 days ago
@sonsieskin turns 1 year old today! 🤍 Our little family is getting bigger and bigger and I’m so grateful for all of you who have joined us… Together, we are spreading a message of self-care and self-love around the world. We have so many exciting things in the works this year and I can’t wait to share! Be Sonsie… Be You! With love, P
3 hours ago
Pegados con el pasado supérenlo! 🙄
3 hours ago
2 hours ago
Still a beauty!
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
“Only 56.” Okay. Why don’t you report back on your skin at that age?
2 hours ago
You are so naturally beautiful!
2 hours ago
1 hour ago
Whatever makes YOU happy 😍
33 minutes ago
3 minutes ago