5 days ago
I literally love this place❤️ I lived in one of them with so much good memories. If one day I decide to come back to Toronto, my only reason would be this area to leave . Luxury life, and city life, inside nature🪄
4 days ago
I painted a house in this hood (stencilling fleur-de-lys on the ceiling, it was the Martha Stewart era early 90s) and one day the RCMP raided the place mid-stencil and the whole thing got shut down. I have PTSD to this day and would never set foot there again #truestory
4 days ago
No thanks. Prefer to be at the water in the Beaches
3 days ago
Too many times the same topic
3 days ago
Toronto was the original name, Toronto got renamed to York but then got renamed back to Toronto (I think)
3 days ago
Whatever you r pleseanting ,doesnt show any warmness and homey
3 days ago
😂😂😂😂 a one bedroom is 3000.00. Everyone has to move back with their old parents cause they bought a house in 1970.
3 days ago