5 days ago
This last 3 months during my recovery has taught me a lot of valuable lessons one of those being that you have to learn to love yourself and accept yourself for the person that you are..... none of us are perfect and we each have our own personal drawbacks but we each have our own personal unique values that we should also appreciate about ourselves.... learn to be your own best friend and keep striving to push yourself to be the best version of yourself everyday until you are content with the person that you have developed yourself into.... do not rush things and do not force things and be consistent and patient with the process of developing yourself... Here are nine photos of my routine that my doctor at physical therapy has shown me to do for the last 2 months and after 2 months of Performing these stretches two times or three times per week my body is getting more flexible and stronger with every position and direction as I rebuild my spine and rebuild my neck from those initial 10 days of being bedridden after the stroke I've been doing a full body rehabilitation and yoga is one aspect and one of the branches that consist within the full circle of healing for my recovery #DeadManWalking #CantKillMe #strokesurvivor #strokerecovery #physicaltherapy #progress #healing #progressnotperfection #balance #coordinationtraining #health #brainsurgery #heartsurgery #bloodclot #stillalive #healthawareness #motivation #recovery #road2recovery #heart #brain #nutrition #gymmotivation #yoga #stretch #mindfulness #meditation #flexibility #rehabilitation