3 days ago
Welp. We’re not going to sugarcoat it. #PodSaveAmerica #CrookedMedia #Debate #Biden #Trump
I always remember that Dem quickly murder Al Frankenstein senate’s career now wants to do the Same to Biden . Careful what you wish for.
1 day ago
Liberals will call trump morally corrupt but go on support a genocidal p***k.
1 day ago
Is it me, or did nobody notice that Trump admitted to knowing something was going to happen on January 6th? He said he could tell something was going to happen, and offered the troops in order to throw pelosi under the bus the bus. Is this not a new thing, has he said this before? Anyway. That would seem like a good thing to push back on…
1 day ago
I’m sure Biden wants to save the country from the likes of Donald Trump. He’s done a great job as our president however, he has declined and should pass the torch to RFK the real democrat. This is an unusual time it’s time to switch course because this feels like it’s bordering on elderly abuse. Can you honestly say that Joe Biden can endure four more years? Does everybody want Kamala Harris to be president I certainly don’t. I’m sure Joe Biden is feeling an absorbenent amount of pressure. He’s not strong enough to be president. Gavin Newscome can’t even run his own state. Why is everyone so afraid to step out of the box.
13 hours ago
You guys have been throwing shade at President Biden for weeks now which is why I quit listening to the pod.
11 hours ago
If Biden loses America is over. Trump will get us into more wars like he did last time. We can’t afford any more wars
5 hours ago