5 days ago
O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Well tonight you should be able to find Romeo opening with the wonderful Ryan Armstrong, Zach Bloomfield, and Laura Resinger tongiht at Midsommer Flight. Make sure to show your love for the Capulets and Montagues! #bigmouthtalent #bigmouthbigstage #romeoandjuliet #theatre
Ughhhh. I can’t believe I have to explain this to a talent agency….“Wherefore art thou” does not mean “where are you?” The word “wherefore” means “why”, not “where” – she doesn't want to know where he is; she wants to know WHY he has to be a Montague, and the sworn enemy of her family, the Capulets. Her next line removes all doubt: “Deny thy father and refuse thy name” – in other words, don't be a Montague.
3 days ago
Break a leg!
1 day ago