5 days ago
Min-max your preorder for the #DnD 2024 Player's Handbook. Exclusive bonuses available only on @DnDBeyond , tap the link in our bio to take a look.
Lmao take the piss
4 hours ago
Oh boy oh boy a pre-order for a .PDF that is a revised version of something I bought a decade ago. I will only ever be pirating your D&D products from now on. Movies, books, TV shows, whatever I would have paid for as a lifelong nerd for your greed.
4 hours ago
This is like Disney buying Lucas. With a dash of EA.
3 hours ago
Hey, this uhhhh.... sucks.
3 hours ago
So early access to a book on a platform I refuse to use. With some Digital art for the same unused platform. With a digital mini for a platform I refuse to ever use. And this is meant to be a benefit to me how? If I ever even consider getting these new rules, it likely won't be until the are out and have dropped in price. And that is mainly just to get the few rule changes that weren't butchered.
1 hour ago
this sucks
53 minutes ago
Is this an out-of-season April Fools joke?
44 minutes ago