3 days ago
Oh hey, in case you missed this bit of news this morning... Conservative justices gave the courts a lot more power to block federal agencies from doing things like cleaning up the environment or setting down health or labor regulations. SCOTUS ruled arresting unhoused people sleeping in parks is not considered “cruel and unusual punishment.” They also made it a lot harder to charge J6 rioters with obstruction of justice. We really don't know how this will impact the case against Trump in Washington. #CrookedMedia #SCOTUS #EPA #Unhoused #J6
Sounds like a win
2 days ago
I hope this comes back to bite them all individually. Their families/themselves.
2 days ago
Farken hell
1 day ago
The USA. Going back to the Dark Ages as fast as they can.
1 day ago
We the people demand change
15 hours ago
Why does this always feel so hopeless
4 hours ago