14 days ago
My sketch for the design team of what Sutekh + Tardis should look like! ♥️♥️➕ 🐶
@russelltdavies63 and he’s still alive. Shouldn’t Ncuti warn Tennant that there’s a Sutehk around his TARDIS too?
8 days ago
Ooh I've been rewatching this and I can't help but feeling there's still another layer to the episode, a secret layer of subtext, I'm taking a page out of tooth and claw and theorising there is a trap inside the trap mwahah ;)
8 days ago
Ooh I've been rewatching this and I can't help but feeling there's still another layer to the episode, a secret layer of subtext, I'm taking a page out of tooth and claw and theorising there is a trap inside the trap mwahah ;)
8 days ago
The Catherine Tate, obviously...
7 days ago
WOW!!! that’s amazing
7 days ago
This is great! Season finale was lame tho
6 days ago
Question Russell, if Sutekh was clinging to the Tardis all this time, what about in The Satin Pit and we met the devil at the bottom of the pit? 🤔 wouldn’t there have been a paradox or something with two versions of the devil? Or was he weak at that point the show’s timeline that the other devil couldn’t detect him? @griffingal1991
5 days ago
I have a question. So Ruby's mother is no one special. So why did Ruby have a song hidden in her heart? Why did she have this ability to make snow while thinking of her mother? Does the 14th Tardis clone have a Sutekh? This is not answered. RTD you are good at developing the Doctor but not good at completing your story arcs.
5 days ago