7 days ago
5 days of game changing tips to heal your chronic inflammation, reduce bloating and lower your cortisol levels - DAY 2 🫶🏼 TIP NO.2 - PRIORITISING MY GUT HEALTH 🥑🍓(Check out my post yesterday for tip number one!!) Back when I had crazy bloating and inflammation, I started reading and educating myself on the link between mental health and the digestive system/ general health; and it’s crazy how closely linked they are!! Essentially the cause of my inflammation was linked to the gut-brain axis🧠 Stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, abuse etc can cause huge problems in your gut from chronically elevated stress hormones —— resulting in stress-induced inflammation, cramps, bloating, inability to lose weight IBS.  These symptoms started during a time when I was going through a crazy amount of stress and trauma after being in a very toxic situation/ environment... I was gaining weight, I was constantly inflamed and bloated and I really was at rock bottom..⚠️ WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN?🤔 🧘🏼‍♀️When we are in a relaxed resting state we are in parasympathetic mode (everything is fab and your body is working how it should..) But when you’re stressed, the sympathetic (‘quick run away!’) nervous system is activated and takes over🚫 This means our digestive system gets shut down and if you’re eating your meals in this state, your body is not prepared to receive or digest food… which leads to chronic inflammation and severe bloating🤰 So to tackle this, you need to treat BOTH:  🧠YOUR BRAIN/ MENTAL HEALTH/ STRESS And 🤍YOUR GUT HEALTH My tips: ☢️reducing alcohol and limiting your intake of heavily processed foods + refined sugars 💚eat fermented probiotic foods - yogurt, kefir, kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut  🫐anti inflammatory foods- berries, nuts, seeds, olive oil, salmon, leafy greens, avocado Prioritise managing your stress!   🥝prebiotic foods - tomatoes, asparagus, garlic, kiwi, sweet potato, oats, berries, bananas, watermelon 🥑Increase your fibre intake ‌ #hormonalweightgain #weightlossjourney #chronicinflammation #weightlosstips
Hey ! great accomplishment! How many calories did you consume a day? did you cycle ?
7 days ago
This is really insightful thankyou. I suffer badly with bloating 😢 i know you have given recommendations for food, but also wondering if you take any kind of tablets or probiotics to help with bloating?
7 days ago
Nobody caress!!😂
7 days ago
What if we got bloated after have done a fasting period of a month and can’t get rid of it ever since?
3 days ago
Hey Emma! Looking great good luck with the bizo! We’d love to have you at our studio!
3 days ago
Okay but what if I have IBS, I’m fructose intolerant and I have gastroparesis…?
1 day ago
This is a great video!
18 hours ago