9 days ago
Fat hen Tanzanian “mchicha”. Fat hen (Chenopodium album) is a fantastic wild green in the amaranth family which grows wild across much of the UK, and in my case in my polytunnel! We encourage it as it’s a great nutritious spinach substitute. I recently used it to make this recipe - Tanzanian mchicha to serve with maize ugali (more traditionally made with white maize but this is what we had in) and stewed kidney beans. For the mchicha sweat some chopped onions and garlic in oil til softened, add chopped tomato and curry powder - ideally Tanzanian curry powder but I had some I got in Kenya which is close enough I guess… Then add peanut butter and coconut milk to create a creamy sauce. Add sea salt and stir in the chopped fat hen - cook until soft (only a few minutes). I just did this all by eye/feel so no measurements or proper recipe this time. Thanks for the inspiration @hermann #wildfood #wildfoodlove #eatweeds #forager #foraging #mchicha #ugali #africanfood #tanzanianfood
Found a big patch this weekend and picked a lot. Blanched some and squeezed out the water and froze in little bundles to use as spinach later, had some sauteed in butter, and am drying a lot. Love this green!
9 days ago