8 days ago
Spoil you baby!!! Hold them, help them to sleep, support their stress, love them exuberantly. When you do you grow their brain to health 💜⚡️🧠⚡️💜 Please share to grow The Nurture Revolution #thenurturerevolution
1 day ago
👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️ This shouldn’t be controversial. Baby your baby
1 day ago
This comes naturally, in my country we keep them on the hip until age 3
1 day ago
Not the opposite..exactly what my instincts dictate and not stop at 3. Not talking material goods…talking about emotional presence as a parent!
17 hours ago
9 hours ago
So interesting! Could you please site the research papers for this? Genuinely curious on sample population and what measures were used and how long these studies went on for in order to come to those findings!
3 hours ago
“Spoiling” in this context is not “patronising “. It’s just love love love, reliable readily available appropriate attention. Children must know you really care for their well being - even when you get “angry” — they still know, they feel safe and secure.
2 hours ago
Spoiling kids emotionally 💯💯💯 agreeeee
41 minutes ago