8 days ago
Damm this is pretty #2024
2 days ago
1 day ago
@willsmith soy de Colombia tengo una nena pequeña, podrías ayudarme con algo de trabajo
1 day ago
1 day ago
2 hours ago
1 hour ago
@c.syresmith hey homie things have been weird this summer, like every summer since 19 really but it was interesting. I remember your songs talk about a boy in love but the girls playing with his mind hurting him and stuff. If you like Claire you can be with her I just want to be free. She won’t really let me rn though I’m so confused tho. If she likes Carti she should be with him but they tell me it’s me that she really loves and wants to be with. I heard his song getting money and he said he fucked on someone’s honey. Based on how Claire talk I assumed it was me but she keeps trying to deny it in my head. No offense I’m not like you, I don’t really care if I have a forever love or not I know self love is forever. So why won’t she let me do what I want to do it’s strange. Are they suppressing your inventions too? Is all the ideas really your ideas? That’s fine if they are I’m more focused on the fun than who starts it. Is Claire a hoe lol?
1 hour ago
@c.syresmith why does it sound like Claire is in roses maybe it’s just me but I feel like that I can hear her background vocals. Either way sometimes I wished she’d just come clean about how she feels so I can just move on. She’s singing a song about how her man is strong on love on Thursday I’m just bored of the signs. I could’ve stayed in school for all this I was almost finished too. Maybe we can all go to school together if you’re real idk. I thought we’d all work together to save the world but yall kinda ruined that. Oh well there’s other worlds and I intend to see them.
58 minutes ago