10 days ago
Archer wants everyone to know that he is alive and well.. Upon arriving at our venue here in PA, Archer cut open his leg and was on crate rest until it was fully healed. He’s finally back to performing and is the happiest guy!
So glad he’s okay!
10 days ago
So happy he is all healed up and doing what he loves!!!!!
10 days ago
Did he get the proper pets and “you poor baby” declarations? I’ve heard those speed along healing
10 days ago
9 days ago
Yay Archer! Your videos always make my day 🩵🐶🩵
9 days ago
Glad he's all healed up ❤️
9 days ago
Such a happy boy 🥰
8 days ago
Yay!! 👏👏🙌😍❤️
8 days ago