2 days ago
So, how is your heart? 🩷🦀🌊 There's a lot going on- in the sky, in the world, in our lives. Just your reminder here that it's okay if your priorities look or feel different right now or you need to make adjustments so you can take better care of your energy. These are not normal times. Summer 2024 is officially Soft Girl (Boy/They/Bae) Summer. How can you invite in more slow loving tenderness? We'll be sharing more here and on the pod- and, yes, July is going to get even crazier around July 15 when we have that Mars Uranus Conjunction so let's get ahead of it now. Let us know in the comments below: how's your heart? And if you feel invited, drop some love (which is not to be confused with advice or pity) on someone's comment above or below yours 🩷
Love seeing Jordi
2 days ago
My heart is heavy due to the looming fascism for when Trump gets elected 😮‍💨
2 days ago
My heart is definitely in 1000 pieces right now with the loss of my only birth child. I am also surrounded and held so well by the people who love me *including you Madi
2 days ago
I’m struggling so much rn
2 days ago
“Strong audacious spirits and soft open hearts” 🥺😭 we need it
1 day ago
Love you fats! SGS 🙌
1 day ago
I smiled my whole drive home last night, listening to your soft girl summer words, Madi! My heart is surprisingly spirited rn...broken after betrayal at my job of 9.5 years, but lit up with FIRE 🔥 for what I'm about to jump off the ledge and embark on 😬 Tis the time to jump in the deep end!!!
1 day ago