2 days ago
Nicki Minaj is blasting her former manager Debra Antney for trying to squash Lil’ Kim beef without her consent.⁠ ⁠ “Deb, Isn’t it funny how you left out the biggest part of the story?” Minaj recently shared. “I didn’t ask you to do a THING!”⁠ ⁠ Antney was recently on the ‘Opinionated Truths’ podcast where she was asked if she was willing to arrange a sit-down between Minaj and Lil’ Kim & Cardi B. She then shook her head as to say Kim wasn’t receptive to the idea.⁠ ⁠ More of what Minaj said is at the link in bio.
I hate Nicki Minaj so much, she is so corny. She needs to chill before someone runs up on her ass and scares her again like Cardi B did🤣😂 she is a coward deep down inside
7 hours ago