2 days ago
👑 #PageantPrep 👑 As I immerse myself in preparations for the Mrs. International pageant this month, I’m cherishing every moment, especially as I focus on one of the core values of the International System – Family. This past weekend was a delightful break from the hustle of preparation as the kids and my mother joined me on a road trip to visit Daddy at our State’s Capitol, Harrisburg. Despite the busy budget season for our government officials, we didn’t want to let a whole week go by without connecting as a family. We made the most of our time together creating unforgettable memories. A highlight was visiting Daddy’s State Representative office and getting a behind-the-scenes look at the Capitol. These moments remind me of the importance of family support in everything I do, including my journey towards the Mrs. International crown. I’m grateful for these cherished times that rejuvenate and inspire me as I prepare for the upcoming pageant. 🌸💜 Mrs. Pennsylvania International 2024 ~ Tamara Abney the “Period Hero” ~A Wife, Mommy of 2, and an unwavering advocate for menstrual equity, proudly leading SisterFriend, Inc. and creating a world where students can embrace their changing bodies with confidence and pride without barriers. #PAIntlpageant #Pageantsinpa #mrsinternational #mrsintl2024 #intlpageants #2024intlcountdown #beautyqueen #pageantlife #pageantry #mrspageant #mrspageantry #mrspageants #rolemodel #sisterfriend #periodpoverty #menstrualequity #tamaraabney #abneyfamily #PeriodPosseBook #PeriodActionDay #MenstrualEquity #GlobalChange #PeriodPoverty #SisterFriend #MakeADifference #periodpartychallenge