16 days ago
With complete gratitude, I had the honor of speaking at the Montage Senior Leadership corporate retreat, a company that I respect dramatically for being so innovative and having the highest class and code of standards. I have the utmost respect for their approach to hospitality. Always a pleasure to reconnect and have a strong discussion with my dear friend & co - founder Michael Fuerstman There’s nothing quite like being around other likeminded people who are pushing the industry forward. @taogrouphospitality #hospitality #insider
Love this video @jasonstrauss very true, very inspiring #bossman👏🤍💪🏼
14 days ago
This is great ❤️🙌
14 days ago
Reminds me of what an uncle taught me by example: You don’t merely sell a STEAK! You sell THE SIZZLE! You give guests a real reason for going out, to experience another magical evening!
14 days ago
13 days ago
❤️love you❤️!
13 days ago
13 days ago
Love this!!!
13 days ago
Priceless 🔥
13 days ago
13 days ago
7 days ago