24 days ago
I’ve been on a journey to reconnect with myself that started at the end of 2022, the year of my 30th Birthday. After an unhealthy relationship I decided to create a new normal with new daily creative habits from working out to producing music to recording and writing. I felt disconnected from my self, which at the core is music. I made more self-produced music as I had taken a hiatus from doing any producing when I started to focus on my singing and songwriting. Fast forward to my 31st birthday and I had a feeling I was barely scratching the surface on the inner growth that I would need to prioritize in this next chapter of my life. I gathered my closest friends and family together to play them the latest version of my debut album, and since then the album continued to transition and grow and become more clear with each revision and update. I must admit that I come to you now with an unfinished album still...BUT hopefully you will understand when you hear the music I’m preparing for the end of summer (wink wink). Until then, I’ve got lots of music to share, gonna release my first cover and really enjoy this Summer with you all. I have a feeling next Summer will look very different. In August we say goodbye to The Avenger’s Campus, the end of another era. As I leave the comforts of my home here in LA to embark on the final phase of my musical self-discovery, I thank you all for your unwavering support and love and friendship. As the years pass friends come, go, resurface, and they do so with a timing that is divine and intentional. You’re right where you need to be, and your individual journey is encouraged. Go gently and practice diligently. Your growth is a daily choice to succeed beyond measure. To expand past the threshold of yesterday. To learn from the consequences your actions and words. This is what I imagine a deluxe transition feels like. An overwhelming pull towards the version of you that you know you need to become, NOW. Not one day, not soon, not when you reach that goal, now. The micro changes we create will one day sprout from subtlety & blossom into massive change. May your Transitions be Deluxe. Keys open doors. #TransitionsDeluxe
Omg that baby pic with you in the glasses is your new call photo 🥹😂🫶🏽
24 days ago
beautiful message
24 days ago
Congratulations Son! And, well done you, for having the courage to answer the call. I couldn’t be more proud. 🥹🥹🥹
24 days ago
kh2 might be the best game ever key🗝️. love the caption and i’m looking forward to the end of summer
23 days ago
Can i share it on my page dear ❤️
22 days ago