23 days ago
Enjoy this sneak-peek at tomorrow's Gameplay Reveal! Rook and Varric arrive in the stunning - and seedy - city of Minrathous. Little do they know what dangers await. Tune in tomorrow to find out - link in bio.
I was worried after the marvel style trailer, but the gameplay looks great. Keep it up! Looking forward to it!
22 days ago
21 days ago
IT LOOKS SO COOL!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 way to go @dragonagegame
21 days ago
Looks like we got a magical cyberpunk Minrathous. 😮
19 days ago
if varric dies in da4 and yall still didnt let me romance him i expect a hand written apology
17 days ago
Can we import the world state from Dragon Age keep? Do my previous choices matter in this game?
15 days ago
I can't wait to play...💜
9 days ago