24 days ago
Join me on a 15 day painting adventure! #paintwithkatie Like many other artists have expressed this past week, Instagram just isn't the same anymore. Many of us are struggling to stay afloat against an everchanging algorithm and now we have to battle against AI. I, however, like several others, cannot afford to leave the platform. In a post from @wolfandbear.co last week, they stated, "...in general, logging into Instagram and Facebook has begun to feel like walking into a room full of strangers every time..." and I couldn't agree more. Definitely go check out their entire post, but I really resonated with that statement. The algorithm is all about finding new people to follow and though that's not necessarily a bad thing, social media feels a lot like fast fashion these days. With the implementation of reels, people get bored easily. Let's bring back old Instagram. I know I'm not the first to start up a painting challenge, and I surely won't be the last! However, I don't think there are enough of these during the summer months and I really want to bring back a sense of community here with you all. I want you to join in on this challenge. Paint alongside me and share other participant's art on your stories. Comment on their posts if you love their take on a prompt. Lift each other up. Take the time to really look at someone's piece for a while and take it all in. It's likely they spent hours working on it. I for one will be sharing everyone's art on my stories. I want to bring the fun back in posting again. Not with reels, but with good ole photos and hashtags. So this Wednesday, June 12th is when I will be starting this challenge. I won't be posting on the weekend, but I want you to create whenever you can. Do what you can. Tag your post with #paintwithkatie or #hiddenfauna . I will be checking them everyday and sharing all of your beautiful art. I will only be posting mine on weekdays, but I intend to do every single one in order. :) I hope this will motivate you all to create, good luck! ❤️ Editing to add that I will be posting mine June 12-14, 17-21, 24-28 & July 1-2 #artchallenge
Ooh this looks like fun!
20 days ago
What an amazing idea 🥹🥹 I will try to make time to join 💜
16 days ago
Aw I just saw this. I hope you do it again!!
11 days ago