4 days ago
Did you know that adjacent to the Toco Lighthouse at Point Galera, is an abandoned landing strip known as as the TOCO Airfield…. This extract is from the @ttnationaltrust website , photo found on google . “The Toco Airfield was built in 1941, during the Second World War. This 1500ft long runway extends from the coast to the lighthouse and is slightly curved (to avoid the lighthouse, which it leads up to). This work was carried out by the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm and they maintained it up to 1970. While its primary usage was for light aircraft, on occasion heavier craft made landing, as was the case with the B24 Liberator bomber that made an emergency landing here. Years later, during the 1983 Grenada uprisings, and fearing the possibility of American troops using it the government of the day ordered trenches be dug across the tarmac, rendering the landing strip unusable to aircraft. It is referred to as ‘abandoned’, because of the trenches. “ #toco #knowyourcountry #WWII #landingstrip #airfield