6 months ago
10th Annual Jack Hord Championship!  Congratulations to all our players! Overall Winners (Shared Parking Spot) Ladies' Champion - Debbie McDaniel - 62 Men's Champion - Dwight Ottesen - 63 Championship Flight 1st - Dwight Ottesen  2nd - Ted Olkowski  3rd - Fred Oberkehr Rory McIlroy Flight 1st - Bernie Packo 2nd - Terry Lawlor  3rd - Mason Addy 4th -Tom Peterson  Lexi Thompson Flight 1st - Debbie McDaniel  Closest to Pin #4 Steve Taylor Longest Putt #3 Hannah Oberkehr  Closet to the Pin # 8 Chris Hord Closest to the Pin #2 Steve Veniard #golf #golftournament #memorial #winners #jackhord