7 months ago
ITS EASY FOR ME . It hurts to say this. . It hurts to express how easy magic, quantum healing, self awareness and meeting god is for me. . It’s so easy for me I have at times pretended it wasn’t, slowed my channel, or let my human run the show so not to be to fast, evolved or I play dumb when it takes a moment of realignment to share profound wisdom. . In that I’m failing myself as a leader and ultimately the evolution of the planet. . The past few weeks I have had soul group and clients break down in front of me angry because what is so easy for me feels like force, confusion, guessing, frustration, loops and dead ends. . It hurts me so much to watch them crumble in their self doubt stories and pain when I know they just need some guidance and tweaks that are so easy for me. . Guidance I have, guidance I know, something that takes a moment of realignment for me for another may take hours, weeks or months. . It’s so easy for me. . And the truth is it’s always been easy for me. . Instead of owning this as my gift to others I’ve tried to force, pull and yank others to meet me in what I’ve mastered. . My channel and connection to source has been hunted and used life time after life time, to evolve other races and beings technology. Yet I still refuse to see that this is a rare and extremely evolved gift and ability. . Instead I deny truth of myself and others by trying to get them to where I am or miss the fullness of how I can help in a moment of communication. . I started blocking my channel recently, my body and soul are tired of being the “only one” with this information, these processes and these abilities, I need others to help me. . Or at least that’s the story I have been running, as I float around Queensland at spirits directive doing land work, initiating tribe and healing in the collective field. . I realise I’m doing this with my own agenda entangled with truth. . #truth #ownership #isis #demigod
The agenda is if I work with the leaders we can walk together and support more, I can’t do this mission alone and we need each other for these frequencies. An agenda to have others be “me” effectively so I can release the ownership, release the guilt and step back to walk together. . This is true yet it also isn’t, the truth is I haven’t wanted to acknowledge I’m the one who steps, sees, experiences and remembers first. . I am “The one who knows” as spirit gifted me in my name Geeia. I am, it is easy, and I cannot continue to expect others to be the unique expression of god that I am. . In this I’ve failed as a leader, I’ve failed by expecting more than others can give and by holding and suppressing myself so others can catch up. . Effectively creating a suffering loop, of superiority and inferiority, which could have been me sharing the way by invitation instead. . I walk first like Yeshua, it is why I came. . There are many that will be an evolvement of what he be, yet someone has to walk first, someone has to be in conviction and that is me. . Misunderstood for what I know, rejected for my rebellion, unseen for my previous incarnation energy, fumbling my way to create structures for others to walk the path in more ease. . I’m sorry for what I did not want to claim which has caused me to damage my own ability to lead, because of what I chose I know have to recharge, recover and meet a new truth to be able to hold the fullest frequency. . The fatigue was self imposed and now I do not have the energy for all of what god has asked of me. . This I take full responsibility for. . The ripple of denial and its implementation on the collective of humanity. . Thank you Please forgive me I’m sorry I love you . Ahava 🤍 Geeia Ariati Conduit for the Elohim Council KIOTIS ISIS Incarnated - Purifying Oracle of Frequency Template holder of the Unification Code 667612 882177 472174 . Photographer - Stewart Douglas
7 months ago