6 months ago
**Trigger Warning pregnancy loss ** mine and @ericcolsen ’s pregnancy loss story that started the morning of Thanksgiving just a couple weeks ago… I sat there wondering over those days of the unknown “why is this so sad? It’s only been a few weeks.. I know I can try again.. but why do I feel this so deeply?” For anyone who has ever experienced this kind of loss I want you to know that you are not alone. By sharing our stories we allow ourselves to hold space for each other, to process grief, we give ourselves the self love and compassion that we need. Sharing this story has been a vulnerable and emotional rollercoaster but we feel it’s so important. This is everything @themotherdazepodcast family is about, we feel honored to share the highs as well as the lows with all of you in this special community. #pregnacyloss
I am so, so, sorry for your loss, Sarah. Deepest condolences.
6 months ago
Sorry for your loss. Once I entered this “club” I realised how the silence around baby loss/early birth only hurts those hurting the most even more. Thank you for sharing, your courage will help an immeasurable amount of women. Ps. Google “microchimerism” some of our babies dna never leaves our body and that thought brings me so much peace.
6 months ago
I’m just catching up with this now and I’m truly sorry! I’m so lucky to have my 5 babies but think about the 3 I lost on what would have been their due date as such, the hardest for me was losing “ number 3’s” twin at 11 weeks not knowing I was expecting twins at the time. I had to go for a check up and that’s when they told me I still had a baby there but also an empty sack 😔 when she was born there was so much joy and a sense of loss at the same time… (I still call them 1,2,3,4 and 5 if we are all together because I get their names mixed up and they love it 🥰😂)
5 months ago
This episode…so honest. I especially connected with how our community minimizes grief. And am really impressed by your ability to ignore that noise and sit hopeful in it. ❤
4 months ago
I realize this was months ago now, but I’m just finding your page and this post. I too started a miscarriage Thanksgiving week, being 8 weeks pregnant. I’m crying all over again, but also extremely hopeful for our next journey ❤️
3 months ago
I am very sorry for you and Eric and what you are experiencing. I don't have kids, but it hurts when I hear the pain in your heart.❣️
3 months ago
2 months ago
100%! That’s exactly the feeling! 😞
1 month ago