1 year ago
Dear fans and friends, It has been a 3 long years since we have been active musically or socially mainly due covid era that has effected every single one of us either in good or bad way but we hope you are well and everything is good and the are brighter days ahead of all of you Firstly I would like to say huge thank you to all band members that been with us from the day one until few years back when 2019 made everything go south Jon Billam , James Bass Taylor, James Bracey, Lloyd Midgley, Rob, Matt, Michael, Czaba, Dan, Euan to you guys from the bottom of our hearts we say thank you for your friendship, influence, banter, love and hate, your dedication and hard work and sacrifices are so much appreaciated and all the things you did for this band will never be forgotten So it is godbye to all of you but it is not godbye to our fans As the last member myself Lubi Blacksmith currently looking for new band members that can help me continue keeping Parallax alive There are songs ready for album, new demos and songs that need to be finished, gigs to be played, music to be shared and I just wont give up even it is just me right now This band gave me so many happy memories, happiness and made me better person so I wont give up something I trully care about so much and mainly I dont want to give up on some of you that been so supportive all these years and always being there for us So lets keep rolling Watch out for a future posts about rebuilding our band Massive thank you to you all once more I love you from the bottom of my heart
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago