1 year ago
This life is so finite. Soooo finite. I literally do not have time for anything that isn’t in resonance anymore. I no longer have it in me to conform. I no longer force anything, not even responsibilities. The only thing I hold space for is alignment. What is truly important will feel in flow to my soul and to my purpose and what is not in flow there will be resistance to. And although the liberation of my souls infinite freedom may at times feel scary, conformity to societal norms that do not truly serve me is paralyzing. Just as I am seeking my truth, my truth is also seeking me. The more I tune inwards + listen to the pulling of my intuition, regardless of how logical it may or may not seem, the more integrity I bring to my soul and to this earth. And that, in essence, is our true purpose. I honor my souls’ inner knowing. I claim my power back. #whatiseekisseekingme #iamlistening
aho sister 🤍 you hold so much power in taking up space. i’m proud of you.
1 year ago
Such incredible writing 😍
1 year ago
Hey gergeous😍 .we would love to collaborate with you .check your inboxing plz 📩
10 months ago
Loveee this!
10 months ago